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Letters to Juliet

This movie helped me to kill the time while waiting for the food to be completely digested in my tummy. Tak puas hati dengan cafe teeettt, dahla kena tunggu makanan berjam jam, skali dapat nasi goreng, hangit. Pahit plus pedas. Nak tau cemana rasa dia? Sila telan sabun yang dah dicampur ngan cili. Macam tu la rasanya. Issk.  

Ok kembali ke pangkal jalan. I likeee this movie. Soooo much. One of the most cleanest movie ever. The plot is quite different tapi one thing yang lacking, tak cukup adventure. Well, kata pon love story  kan memangla takde adventure bagai. Heheh. Actually I didn't expect adventure macam movie James Bond whatnot, tapi adventure yang macam saya tak boleh teka ending movie tu. Hmm. Bebelit eh ayat ni? Hueh hueh. Sila salahkan nasi goreng tadi. 

Perkara yang paling menarik sekali pasal movie ni ialah, adegan surat menyurat dari perempuan perempuan kepada Juliet. I never know there's such thing in Italy. Sebab tak pernah pergi, memang haruslah saya tak tau. Heheh. And apart from that, I can see how the love between two complete strangers grow stronger and not to mention, the conflicts yang timbul sebab heroin ni adalah tunangan orang. I can see how both of them macam suppress the feelings just because they don't want to hurt their love ones. Menarik. And uh uh, saya salute ngan watak heroin cite ni yang sangat lah berani. Personally, I think she's a very brave young lady cos not many women out there have the courage to confess their love. Tapi, dengan berbekalkan semangat yang kental, si heroin ni berjaya menkonfeskan feeling beliau terhadap hero dan taraa. Happy ending. Basically that's it about this movie. Tak larat nak mentelaah buat summary panjang panjang. Sila la baca review kat sini

Quote yang saya suka dari movie ini:  There's never too late for love. Hm.

So dear Haematology, you know I love you so much and there's never too late for you to love me too. So pleaseee, LOVE me would you? Iskk.

Ok tu je, bai


  1. hi andro sista AFI(nama u remind me of my friend) :D hahaa

    uhh uhh,,,suke jugak quote itu
    ~There's never too late for love~

    hurmmm..tapi i guess dah terlambat dah pon :')

  2. heheh. kenapa dah terlambat dah pon?

    There's never too late for love dear. hehe :)

  3. ahaahaaaa
    *speechless* (nyanyi2 lagu speechless lady gaga :p)

  4. haha..silly q. Sorry :D

    kena dgr lagu speechless ni! heheh :P

  5. Cerita letter to Juliet ni, mmg best!
    wah, kat awangan jap.


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