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Just a random Saturday

Hey blog. Am here to feed you. 

I am trying to make a u-turn here. So dear myself, help me out. 

Have you ever want something soo bad that you think you're gonna die for it and when you have it, you eventually get tired of it? I did. And here's some advice from the well experienced being, when you are tired of it, don't ever rest.*maybe slowing down is a good thing but remember, NO REST* Or you're gonna lose it all. 

Well today *I just spelled well as welee, what is that supposed to meeann, heh??* went to alamanda. Enjoying my afi's space and it was truly great. Window shopping, spent almost 2 hours at Pizza Hut reading 17, ate and ate and pressed the 'call' button till the waiter seems a lil bit tired fulfilling my demands. Sorry waiter but you are paid for that. Aren't you? Wahah. *sangat kejam,lempang*

The bus driver said something like this

pakcik: cakap dengan anak dara ni slow je banding ngan cakap ngan janda macam kau
akak penumpang: yelaa dia takde anak lagi, takde laki lagi. Cuba esok esok bila dah ada, suara tu automatiklaaa naik.

Yeke?? Hahah. I think she got all that wrong. Dear akak, suara saya bagaikan halilintar oke kat rumah. Takyah tunggu ada anak. Contohnya *baca dengan nada tinggi ye kawankawan*

Angahh!! Kemas bilik!
Afiq Muzzammil, bangun solat subuh!!
Ni sape makan ni? Asal sampah x buang dalam tong sampah?? Syafiqah!!
Syafiqah, study!! Jangan tengok tv!!
Syafiqah cepat siapsiap p mengaji!!
Syafiqah lap kaki after keluar toilet!! Jap lagi awak jugak yang jatuh!

Mengalahkan ibu tiri marahkan adik adik. Tapi macam orang tua tua cakap, marah tu sebab SAYANG. I did that for their sake. Bukan sajesaje. Lagi lagi si Syafiqah tu. Someone really needs to keep her straight. Not saying that my parents don't raise her well, NO but if everybody keeps on spoiling her and do everything to cover up her mistakes, she'll end up as a spoil brat daughter of encik Azmi and I dont want that to happen. NEVER. Biar nampak manja luaran tapi kental dalaman. Eceh. Tetiba ada mood Power Rangers plak. Hiks.

 the record: I think 3 or 4 times tawafing Alamanda was good workout for this week. Yet, my hamstring seems pretty normal, not aching at all. Good sign. Well done.
Super cute onion

Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


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