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Aku gemuk. So what?

kawan: you look fat
saya: I don't care
kawan: you are short, and uhm uhm, short... and fat. that's not good.
saya: I don't even care if I look fat. So why do you? *hati mendidih*
kawan: because you are my friend. and I am supposed to tell you to look pretty and dear hear me please, start DIETING. Your weight is not proportional to your height
saya: I don't do diet. In fact my BMI is OK.
kawan: well, as you say. but if you don't change it then you won't be pretty, FOREVER.


p/s: Its OK if I'm far from pretty and I don't really care about my weight. Just please don't ridicule my height, I can't tolerate that one.

Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


  1. sy pun pendek.. tp fizikal tu dh x jd sensitif pd sy.. maybe dulu ye la.. tp skrg dh rasa apa yg ada dlm diri ni dh ckp sempurna. ada lebih & krg stp kejadian..

  2. lekat lekit- yeah, sebenarnya it's not a big deal pon if people want to talk about my height. just, be nice. hehe. depends on situation I think..hehe

    tp stuju dgn anda. ada lebih dan kurang stp kejadian.. :)

  3. arghh, ak taip komen td dop pasan ak dop taip word verification,ttp trus pah teh anto. kene taip mula. aishh.
    ridicule tu nde owh? mknnye dop leh pggl mu pendek r? walaupun mu pendek,kenit, midget n so on? hu. :p

  4. sarip- ridicule=mempermainkan. Em, depends on situation. klau situasi seperti diatas try r wat klau nk kena boikot. ngiahaha :p

  5. haha, yup, u got one.. :p
    bleh try eh? bereh2, nati2 ak try.. :D


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