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..She's the best

Seminggu kat rumah. Seminggu aku tak boleh think straight. Seminggu otak macam freeze and temperature up and down. Seminggu mama babah jaga aku macam jaga baby. I don't know what would I do without them. Sepanjang masa aku kat hospital, mama tak pernah tinggalkan aku. Except for the day she accompanied babah to send afiq to unisel, she never leave my room. Room 209. I don't know what would I do without her. After discharged, my body still could not cope well with all the medications and new routine. 

Mama takes care of me, dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki. She did everything for me. Mama lah dresser, mama lah fashion consultant, mama lah doctor, mama lah nurse, mama jadi semua just for me. Oh I really don't have any idea what I would do without her. The day my hand became edematous because of the branula inserted, due to the saline drip and antibiotics, mama would rub my hand till I fell asleep. Sumpah aku tak tau apa aku akan buat kalau takde mama. Mama just know what to do. She just so heroic that no one could ever replace her. 

Esok aku dah kena balik KL. Rasa malas yang amat teramaaaaattt. Tapi memandangkan dah seminggu darling Surgery kena tinggal, I have to go back to him or else, aku akan diceraikan. Sobs. I dont want to be alone, at least not now. Hurr. I'm in major depression right now. Don't talk about opposite sex or else I'll scream and you will have Myocardiac Infarction which can be fatal. Remember this if you don't want to die young. 

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



  1. Xpe... Sempat je lg nak catch up balik seminggu pnye surgery... Insya Allah :)



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