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Memang berbeza! I think this is the only car yang malaysia produce ada pintu macam tu. Smart. Nice. Walaupun hati macam kurang percaya dengan ke'cool'an kereta Bezza ni, but as a Malaysian kita patut sokong produk buatan negara sendiri. Go Malaysia Go! Belilah barangan buatan Malaysia so that malaysia will be better than it is now in the future. Lalalala
Rabbit 3

canggihkan pintu dia? walaupun tak se'smart' ferrari maupun lamborghini but still, this car is cool!

Siyes tak faham apa function dia berdiri kat situ. =.="

cool ha? 

But..ok there's a but, the thing is I have heard loads of uncool stories about cars produced by our country. And a real story that really hits me is pasal seorang hamba Allah ni. He has 3 children. 2 lakilaki and sorang perempuan. After SPM and anakanak beliau masuk kolej, si bapa yang baik hati ni pon bagilah anak beliau kereta sorang satu. Disebabkan beliau ada sorang je anak perempuan and he loves her so much of course, si bapa hadiahkan anak perempuan seketul kereta baru buatan malaysia and si abang pakai je kereta lama buatan negara lain selain malaysia. One day both of them was on their way home (dorang konvoi) and they were involved in a terrible car accident. Ironically, the daughter who was driving a brand new malaysia's car was badly injured and she could not make it and the brother who was driving an imported car survived. Secara logiknya, kereta si abang was the first to be hit so, people around was like assuming that he was the one who may not survive but unpredictably things happen vice versa. 

Yes I do agree banyak faktor lain yang kita boleh cakap jadi pemangkin kepada kematian si adik perempuan,  (hint hint) and memang dah takdir hidup mereka macam tu but then, if there's something  that we can do to protect ourself from being the victim of road accident then why not we just do it? 

Tapi serius Perodua Bezza ni cantik. Nice concept. 
Rabbit 3

p/s: thanks cero for the comment. I revised about this bezza and you are totally correct :)

Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


  1. akan dibuka utk jualan ke??
    aku rase ianya hanya concept car kan??
    tp mmg lawa pon..

  2. yup. its just a concept car, and yes, gheta ni cantik~ :)


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