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Showing posts from November, 2010

Sila bertabah.

Sila bertabah wahai badan. Sila bertabah. Bertabah itu bagus. Bertabah itu sihat. Allah suka orang yang bertabah. :') p/s: Sesungguhnya manusia itu tidak sempurna. Saya juga manusia, jadi wajarlah kalau saya tidak sempurna. :'( p/s/s: its sad to know someone u care adalah manusia yang tidak berusus kecil mahupun usus besar. Berhati hatilah wahai kamu, ketiadaan usus adalah fatal. Semoga kamu panjang umur. Isk :'( Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


I kinda miss my life as a non-medical student. Like masa kat TATi dulu. Seriosuly heavennn! I miss the surroundings, I miss the friends, I miss Kak Pia, I miss the talks I had. Most importantly I miss myself back then. Oh I miss everything!! And pssst, I miss you. Yes you, though we weren't at the same college, but I miss the memories created when I WAS THERE. Thanks. :')


Ok screw me! I never thought this kinda site exist!! You gotta try it yo! Takkan menyesal punya yo. Kepada sesiapa yang da tau, diam diam sudeh yo. Biarkan saya yang jakun seronok sendiri yo. wahahaha. Movies freee. SIAPA TAKMAU??? Save duit beli tiket wayang yooo! Try try try! p/s: hujan2 camni makan lempeng cecah gula memang bes yo. Ngeh3 Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


I need someone to accompany me to do these crazy things crazy thing no 1: Racing. drift. Seriously I like this. crazy thing no 2: I really want to learn how to use guns. Yeahhh.  crazy thing no 3: Sky diving. Tolonglah. Sangat mengidam nak buat bendalah ni ok! Walaupun saya jerit waktu naik roller coaster, tapi tak bermakna saya takut bersky diving.  so, anyone? Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


dia: Doktor kat hospital ***** kolot la saya: apesal plak? dia: Adeke dia cakap makcik aku kena sampuk. Dia suruh aku buat rawatan alternatif. Ngeng betol, kalau aku kolot macam dia takdenye aku jumpa doktordoktor bagai. Terus angkut makcik aku jumpa dukun. saya: Ooooo... ko ada pegi jumpa doktor lain tak? Mintak second opinion? dia: Dah. Doktor kat ***** (tempat lain) tu cakap makcik aku normal. Takde sakit pon. Stress kot sebab tu keluar simptom macam macam saya: Simptom apa? d ia: Pening pening. kadang kadang pengsan. She sees things, kadangkadang cakap sorang sorang. Ala macam schizo patients. saya: Ooo I see..Habis kau rasa makcik kau schizophrenic ke? dia: Hoi! kau yang amek medic ke aku? saya: Takde la. Aku ni medical student je kot. Yang kau jumpa tu doktor, kau kenala percaya cakap diorang dia: Dah dokter takleh pakai aku tanyala kau saya: Aku laaaaggggiiii la tokleh pakai. teehee. dia: Eh kau percaya hantu tak? saya: Kalau hantu tak. Tapi kalau jin

Gila bayang.

Yelah yelah saya update. Huahua. Poyo jekan? Nini la ni suka paksapaksa. *peace jangan marah* Ok enough with merepek repek. Hari ni saya berhabis masa kat Alamanda (lagi dan lagi). Release tension sambil beli kasut baru. Kasut lagi? Yelah sayakan makhluk perosak kasut. Memang patutlah selalu beli kasut ye dak?  Ohye, semalam birthday angah. Kononnya sangat indulge dengan buku sampai terlupa nak wishkan beliau happy birtday to you. Takpe angah takpe, kakak da beli hadiah baik punye. Ekekeke. Korang tau tak benda apa dalam dunia yang paling susah manusia especially saya nak lawan? Ye betul. NAFSU. Dan harini nafsu saya adalah sangat tinggi terhadap sebotol perfume Etude 30ml yang berharga RM69.90. Bau dia sangat suweet ok. Sweetttt. And uh uh, botol dia sangat menawan. Kecil dan PINK. Oh dan oh.  Tapi setelah akal waras ni menimbang baik dan buruk beli perfume tersebut, maka saya dengan bersusah payahnya melangkah tanpa menoleh kebelakang lagi meninggalkan booth Etude itu. Hati pedih


Things I want to do if I own a car 1. join every medical checkup. why not now? 2. Visit orphanage which have babies in them. I want to hug those unfortunate babies seriously I do. 3. Senang pergi solat tarawih or maybe malam2 minggu boleh pergi masjid putrajaya solat dalam aircond. haha 4. Berfoya foya dengan CARA SAYA   5. balik raya ngan abam ngan hasif. sure feeling balik kampung gila. haha. 6. maybe, can pick up someone at airport. maybe. 7. live happily. *looks like a capsule to me*

Hey me!

Dear afi, Its sad to see the foolish side of you. So please, cut the crap. Move on. And people, here's a worth reading advice for life. Never talk, if the words just gonna kill the beauty of silence. Ok tu je, assalamualaikum

Little Little Things.

I was devastated last night. But some friends manage to make me smile today. Thanks for the 'kiss' and the cupcake. That make me get back to my sense and keep holding on. Don't give a crap of people who don't care about you, but do give a whole damn to people who care for you. That's what I heard of many times ago. But somehow, I kinda let it slip off my mind while I was filled up with emotions last night. Amazing right how little little things can make us smile? :) Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


Takde mood. Sangat malas. Sangat mengantuk. Feels like kicking someone in the face. Feels like screaming the hell out. Argh. Emo emo. Bunyi kapal terbang menguji kekuatan batin. MAU BALIK. TOLONG TOLONG. Streessss. Isk. 

Wedges VS Flat

NO. Definitely not cheezy wedges. But this wedges. Last weekend I spent my precious 2 days with my family. So agak agak jelaa kan macam mana suasana tu. Meriah. Best ai cakap u bila dapat berkumpul sama sama. Tetiba rasa macam dah tua sebab babah akan cakap something like this bila semua orang ada,  " Bestnya bila kita satu family dapat bekumpul macam ni" . Yelaa cuti skolah ngan cuti sem adalah lain. Jadi sila bertabah wahai babah. Isk. So to make me feel like I'm really the eldest one in the family saya dengan jayanya telah memakai wedges yang mempunyai ketinggian 3 inches. Just imagine my height back then. Sangat bangga ok. Pastu mengada pakai slack yang labuh bagi tersorok wedges tuh. Haha. Sangat teruja sebab nampak diri sangat tinggi. So bila pegi rumah sedara, takde scene "eh mana satu kakak mana satu adik" .  But then babah was kinda worry seeing me with that. He was like holding me whenever I walked faster than him. Bila saya buat muka macam "

Sick of it.

Pernah tak rasa menyampah sangatsangat? Pernah tak pernah tak? Menyampah yang melampau rasa macam nak lempang lajulaju. Tak pernah? Baguslah.  Sila jangan cemarkan hari anda dengan perasaan perasaan itu. But in case anda mengalami situasi yang sama,  sila jerit Sick of it. I'm sick of it.  *snort* At least I'm giving u a way out which is better than kicking him in the ass. Hiks .


"U don't blog much nowadays" "Its hard to see u online" "Are u turning nerdiER?" "What is afi without internet?" "Where did u go?" Heheh. I'm here. :)  Still functioning normally. :) Sorry for letting you down. :) Its actually kinda hard to fit in this block. Need a VERY very hard work. :'( So I need to be VERY very productive because I'm not a genius. :'(  Maybe this is the point of time where a guy who is so macho pon boleh menangis. Hiks. Sila jangan ada yang terasa. :') Pray for me yah. And just so u know, I never forget u. :) Ok tu je, assalamualaikum


Things that keep replaying in my mind Death! Instant death! You die! 5 stars! Die is equal to fail! Oh Allah.  Help me. Dear badan, sila bertabah. sila berkuat. Demam esok ye? *Sniiff* Pray for me friends. :'( Ok tu je, assalamualaikum

Of Eid Adha 2010

And today is the day.  Malam raya: Babah culik saya from cyber pegi KL. Stay at DZone cos pan house kat situ je yang available. :') Melantak nasi daging. Tertidur dengan awalnya kerana terlebih makan. Berjaya mengecewakan date call saya. Forgive me love . Isk. I'll make it up to you someday please forgive me ye. Pagi raya: Dengar takbir raya from masjid sebelah KLCC. Breakfast. Try as best as I could cari makanan yang ada rasa ala ala rendang tapi kehampaan cos chef cuti raya so semua westerners je. Isk. Diri cuba bertabah. :'( Godek godek iphone babah donlod games gelak sorangsorang main dengat tomcat. After babah balik solat raya kami sekeluarga tidur secara berjemaah. :) Tengahari raya: Orang hotel called kejutkan kami. :') Terharu. Makan. Lagi dan lagi. Headed to Timesquare. Petang raya: Diraikan di atas roller coaster. Dan agenda makan berterusan. Malam raya: Melepak kat toysRus Alamanda. Berkasihkasihan dengan BR. Dating ngan Big Apple. Lemak bertam

Surat untuk adikadik

Adikadik,  kakak sayang adikadik. Isk. Tapikan adikadik, kakak tak janji tau beli marshmallow itu. Sebab apa? Sebab pasar kat Streetmall tutup awal. Besok kan, kakak ada PBL sampai pukul 4. Pastu ada meeting sampai leewwaaaat petang. Sila faham ye loves? Isk. Sooorrrryyyyy. notabadakair: ini adalah garagara kredit di pau oleh alien muka buruk kaki satu tangan sploh yang curik line tenet handphone saya. Erghhhhh. Ok tu je, assalamualaikum

Sunday Night random thoughts?

Damn hungry. Craving for doughnut. Iskk. Dasar gemuk! Consequences and fate. Does they related to each other? What do u think? I say: Yes, they are related to each other. In my life dictionary consequences are something that you need to face after you made a decision, whether it is a wise decision or vice versa it has its pro and cons and you have to face them. And if the consequences are real bad ones, you can consider them as life lessons and that's also what I call fate, right love? Whatever. Basal nuclei! Basal nuclei! Ahh and one more thing, don't lie to me! I can read microexpressions now. Thanks to Lightman.  And yes, Myth Buster director or producer or whatever -er, I have a suggestion for your show. Maybe you can do some research on Lie to Me tv show instead of proving that James Bond movies are feeding the viewers with stupid illogical techno craps. I don't think the viewers are stupid enough to believe them so you don't have to prove anything. (read: that&

Ade idea mcm mne nk jmatkan ruang dlm beg klu nk brkemas utk prjalanan jauh yg mgkin memkn msa brjam-jam smpai anda rse mmbawa beg yg bnyk itu adlh 1 kesusahan dan lebih baik mmbawa sikit beg je dgn kapasiti yg rgan spy anda x mnyushkan org len & dr sndr?

Jimat ruang? Bawak baju nipis macam blouse and baju kurung not shirts seluar bawak satu je so jangan bawak seluar putih sebaiknya bawak seluar hitam and jangan main kotor so takyah tukar seluar and kalau seluar busuk pon xpe kat bawah takde siapa hidu. Tuala bawak yang nipis and kalau rasa nak jimat ruang lagi bawak kain sarung je. Lagi nipis dan ringan. And for the bag, bawak beg yang strecthable. Saiz nampak kecik tapi boleh muat banyak barang. Most improtantly, semua clothes tu digulung gulung bukan dilipat atas experience lepas. Got questions? Spill it out :)

..Joke of the day

I have this section on iGoogle called joke of the day. And today, the joke displayed was this one. A biology teacher wished to demonstrate to his students the harmful effects of alcohol on living organisms. For his experiment, he showed them a beaker with pond water in which there was a thriving civilization of worms. When he added some alcohol into the beaker the worms doubled-up and died.  "Now," he said, "what do you learn from this?"  An eager student gave his answer.  "Well the answer is obvious," he said "if you drink alcohol, you'll never have worms." I say:  Well the answer is obvious, if you drink alcohol, you'll never have worms CAUSE YOU'LL NEVER SURVIVE ANYWAY. I mean look what the alcohol did to the worms. FYI a worm is made up of 30000 genes while we human beingS are made up of 40000 genes, do the math only 10000 genes differ you from a worm! OMG!! If the alcohol kills them right aw

Just a random Saturday

Hey blog. Am here to feed you.  I am trying to make a u-turn here. So dear myself, help me out.  Have you ever want something soo bad that you think you're gonna die for it and when you have it, you eventually get tired of it? I did. And here's some advice from the well experienced being, when you are tired of it, don't ever rest.*maybe slowing down is a good thing but remember, NO REST* Or you're gonna lose it all.  Well today *I just spelled well as welee, what is that supposed to meeann, heh??* went to alamanda. Enjoying my afi's space and it was truly great. Window shopping, spent almost 2 hours at Pizza Hut reading 17, ate and ate and pressed the 'call' button till the waiter seems a lil bit tired fulfilling my demands. Sorry waiter but you are paid for that. Aren't you? Wahah. *sangat kejam,lempang* The bus driver said something like this pakcik: cakap dengan anak dara ni slow je banding ngan cakap ngan janda macam kau akak penumpang: yelaa di

Cranial cavity oh brain.

Hope my brain can actually remember the image of herself. tengoklah brain. Itu adalah kamu. sila ingat, dan ingat dan ingat. notabadakair: Prof Khin " Anatomy is easy. If you don't remember anything just look at your body". Err. I wish I can do that in exam hall besok. isk Ok tu je, assalamualaikum

Happy birthday sayang.

Harini birthday beliau.  Sesungguhnya saya sangat sayangkan beliau.  Sayang sampai mati.  Sayang yang takada penghujung.  Always pray that he'll be happy.  Walaupun saya tak pernah cakap saya sayangkan beliau,  tapi saya harap beliau faham body language saya.  Harap beliau faham actions saya. Always adore his smile. Senyum dia buat saya gembira. Senyum dia buat saya ketawa. His dimples, fuh. Mahal. Sesungguhnya beliau sungguh hensem dimata saya.  Always adore his eyes. Redup. Bila pandang mata tu, marah pon boleh bertukar senyum. Sungguh.  Itulah kuasa mata redup beliau. Sungguh power.  Always adore cara dia menarik perhatian saya. Heheh. Beliau sangat manja. Suka merajuk. Walaupun saya selalu cakap saya tak suka bila beliau merajuk, tapi sebenarnya dalam hati saya suka. Bagi saya lelaki seumur dia sangat comellll bila merajuk. Berlagak macam budak kecik nak kena pujuk pujuk. Tapi tulah, cakap tak suka tapi hati senyum berbungabunga.  Always adore cara dia bercakap d


Aim for the sky and you'll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling then you'll reach the floor- Bill Shankly Quote diatas membawa makna yang mendalam ye kawan kawan. Bill Shankly seolah olah berkata kepada saya "wahai afi, sila aim untuk mendapat A nescaya kamu akan berkemungkinan untuk mendapat B. Jika kamu aim untuk lulus maka kamu akan dapat C". Get what I mean? Heheh. And uh, that one is for exam. And just now, Bill seakan akan memberi peringatan kepada saya "Aim untuk study malam ni at least 4 jam dan mungkin kamu akan mampu untuk betul betul study selama 2 jam. Jika kamu aim untuk study 2 jam, kemungkinan untuk kamu betul betul study selama setengah jam adalah besar" Oh ayat sangatlah berbelit sila maafkan saya.  Moral of the story: aim for something gigantic and there's a chance for you to achieve something huge. If you aim for something huge then there's possibility that you only get something big. err. fikir afi fikir. notabadakair: Prof


Afi sila jadi positive! OH SAYA SUKA CYBER, SAAAANNNGGGAAAAT AAAMMMMAAAAT DANNN TERRAAAMMAAATTT. see how positive I am.hikhik Ok tu je, assalamualaikum

Our Little Secret

Dear blog, you know I made you a substitute of a human being who listens to my rambles everyday, so please be loyal ok? Heheh. And so, today I feels like writing everything which had been stuck in my mind since how long I dont know. And dear blog, please don't let fatin afifah knows anything about this will you? Anything I write in here stays in here, please don't bring them up whenever you see fatin afifah ok? Yes, I know you're such a great listener. Ok here goes my rambles. Makcik whom I respect so much, please don't let my emotion take control of my brain which can trigger me to say something stupid and eventually hurt your feelings or maybe your pride as a senior citizen who should get tons of respect especially from youngsters. And also, please tell your daughter to stop messing with my life, and tell her to stop disturbing me. Explain her the value of friendship that she is about to lose if she keeps on doing that. And makcik, please don't push me anymore.


Rumah da sunyi balik. Hate this. Adik adik da balik hostel and tomorrow is going to be my turn. HATE THIS. But sem break kali ni not bad at all. Walaupun saya tak sempat study but there're so much things yang saya sempat accomplish. Heheh. Saya tak menyesal walaupun hanya sempat buat SCTL seciput dua ciput. *tengoklah assessement minggu depan macam mana. Kalau markah seciput dua ciput memang tarik balik ar ayat ini. Iskk* Oh well, harini saya jumpa ramai orang. Aaandd most of them adalah kawan waktu saya kecik kecik dulu. I can't differentiate kawan waktu sekolah rendah, or kawan waktu fardhu ain or kawan waktu tusyen. Tapi yang saya tau dorang kawan saya. So just say hi and cakap sikitsikit. Rasa sangat bersalah sebab saya tak ingat nama dorang, and I think dorang pon tak ingat nama saya. Haha. I am baddd in memorizing names. Tapi kalau muka tu cepat pulak saya ingat. Kekadang muka pump boy gas station tu pon saya ingat and bila jumpa kat mana mana kerah otak fikir balik kat


Mourning. Was happy having dinner with the whole family.  Dah lama tak berkumpul macamni. Home and sad again. notabadakair: don't mess with my feelings.