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Pantang Selepas Bersalin

Ada yang minta tulis kisah berpantang di blog, maka terjadilah entri ini walaupun lambat dan diri ku sudah seminggu habis pantang. Biasalah mak anak dua memang macam ni, kalau boleh satu hari tu nak ada 10 jam je biar cepat sikit dorang besar.

Nampak macam remeh kan, anak dua JE, ada maid pulak tu, so should be no problem la kan. Heheh. Cakap pandang pandang kak.

Kalau tak pernah cuba atau alami, baik diam sebelum perkataan yang keluar dari mulut kau mengubah takdir hidup kau. Giteww. Kahkah.

So how was it at home with them? My daily routine goes almost like this everyday;

  • woke up at -- whenever my little one decided to. Klau dia rasa nak bangun pkl 6, maka my day starts at 6. Kalau dia decides to wake up at 8 then I got some extra sleep.
  • had breakfast; after I bf the baby while layan-ing the toddler tengah panjat kerusi then berkuak lentang atas meja. Kadang kadang kak ida (my maid) will take him for morning walk so that I can eat peacefully but most of the time it ended up horribly so just let him do what he wants in front of me.
  • then I would do the laundry, decides what to cook for lunch, plays with the toddler, and rush upstairs if the baby is upset already.
  • nursed the baby. Usually by this time its almost 10.
  • prep to bath the baby and take bath myself- this usually takes about an hour, cos I usually let the baby have tummy time and again bf him after bath.
  • cook for lunch. And of course plays with toddler in between. ZH sangat sangat super excited going in the kitchen, baling baling bawang, sentuh itu ini, bukak kabinet keluarkan barang or campak ball dia dalam mana mana laci yang dia berkenan. So hard to control him nowadays. Larang sikit je nanti tantrum sampai tengahari. Tak larat mak nak oii.
  • usually hubsy comes back at 1 for lunch and we will have lunch together.
  • after 2, both kids usually asleep. So I usually do the folding, ironing and sometimes some reading. But most of the time I fell asleep too.
  • woke up after 2 hours. Reading session with the toddler while nursing the baby. Masa ni agak mencabar sebab at times ZH requested exclusive time with me. Tapi adalah mustahil sebab nak kena nurse the baby jugak, so akan terjadilah babak jeritan tak puas hati kanak kanak umur 2 tahun bergema kat mentakab ni.
  • F comes home at 5+, took over the toddler and I prepare for dinner
  • had dinner, sambil berperang dengan ZH of course.
  • nursed the baby, plays with toddler, chat with husband.
  • sleep. And woken up multiple times for nursing, diapers changing or lullaby fix (ZH had this twinkle twinkle little star ⭐️ obsession and we usually sing it to him around 1130pm after other attempts of putting him to sleep failed miserably), but now he would wake up at that specific time for tinkel tinkel hiii hhiii starshh. 
  • repeat.

So this is how it goes.

Every single day. Every. Freaking. Single. Day.

Was I upset. No I am not. But it ain't easy I tell you. Never. To those yang kata seronoklah duk rumah goyang kaki with the kids and maid, satu je nak cakap.

Cuba rasa dulu. Rasa. Dulu. Then tell me which part you feel like screaming your lungs out and eat whole bucket of ice cream. 

Good luck.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


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